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Figure Out All About UK GPA Calculator from Our Experts

We at AssignmentHelpinUK provide a premium-quality GPA calculator UK for precise calculations. So; whether you are an undergraduate student or a post-graduate one, get this calculator for customised calculations.

How To Use The Best UK GPA Calculator?

Your GPA
  • {{semester.title}}
Current GPA (Optional)

Grade Format


Your GPA

  • Cumulative
  • {{semester.title}}
  • Cumulative
  • {{semester.title}}
Before exploring all about GPA calculators, it is important to comprehend the concept of GPA. Basically; GPA is an abbreviation for Grade Point Average that is meant to define students’ academic performance in a particular semester in numerical form. As far as CGPA is concerned then it is meant for the numerical summarisation of a student’s academic performance in an entire program. Hence, the term Cumulative Grade Point Average.

How is the GPA Calculator Tool Important?

Students must keep track of their academic performance so that they can set realistic academic goals for themselves. This is where the UK GPA calculator can prove to be helpful as it assists students in staying updated with their current GPA. There is a certain grading criterion that students must be acknowledged with in order to deduce their grades and percentages accordingly.
Standard Grading Values on GPA
Percentage Grade Letter GPA
97-100 A+ 4.0
93-96 A 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.03
73-76 C 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7
67-79 D+ 1.3
65-66 D 1.0
Below 65 F 0.0

However; you can expect differences in terms of grading format depending upon the criterion of GPA calculation. There are some GPA calculators that are limited to the calculation of GPA while some advanced GPA calculators can even calculate CGPA. Similarly; a college GPA calculator can calculate GPA UK of both; college level as well as high school level grades.

Nevertheless; the ultimate goal of any GPA calculator is to help students determine their academic position and can analyse their academic performance.

What is the Equivalent GPA in the UK?

UK does not have a standard GPA system as they have a degree classification system. So; how to calculate GPA in UK? This can be done by comparing the scale in the following manner.

Equivalent GPA in the UK
UK Degree ClassificationUK Module MarksGPA
First-class honours70+4.0
Upper-second class honours65-693.7
Upper-second class honours60-643.3
Lower-second class honours55-593.0
Lower-second class honours50-542.7
Third-class honours45-492.3
Third-class honours40-442.0
Ordinary/UnsatisfiedBelow 350.0

In order to calculate GPA effectively as per the UK academic standards; one must learn the accurate usage of the calculator in order to make the most out of it.

How to Use GPA Calculator Efficiently? A Step-By-Step Method

If you are wondering how to work out GPA UK effectively then you can rest assured that it is not that difficult. All you need to do is to follow the five simple steps as mentioned below;

  1. Select your grading format.
  2. Enter current GPA and credit hours.
  3. Enter the semester name.
  4. Fill in the course details.
  5. Add another semester.
Step: 01
Selecting the Grade Format

Irrespective of your academic level, the process of grading format remains the same for high school as well as college students. The grading format is either presented in letters or percentages

If your educational institutes give the scores in the form of letters then the grading system goes as:

  • A = Excellent
  • B = Good
  • C = Satisfactory
  • D = Needs Improvement
  • F = Failed


However; if your institutes present the scores in percentage form varying from 0% to 100% then you will have to select the grading system accordingly. Selecting the appropriate grading system is a crucial step before you begin to calculate GPA as other steps will proceed likewise. 

Step: 02
Entering the Current GPA (Optional)

This is an optional step so it’s upto you whether or not you want to fill it. If you like to proceed with it then you will have to enter your current GPA and credit hours that you have completed. So; when you tell it to calculate my GPA UK, it will start calculating your semester’s GPA after the required information. 

Step: 03
Entering the Semester Name (Optional)

This is yet again an optional step where a student has to enter the name of the semester for which you want to calculate the GPA. You can enter either the previous semester or the current one. 

It is by mentioning the semester’s name, that the tracking of GPA would be easier. The semester name might be fall, spring or summer. 

Step: 04
Entering the Courses & Calculating the GPA

While you look for; how to calculate GPA UK? This is yet another integral step to follow. Just stick to the following process:

  • Course name (English, Science, etc.)
  • Enter the grade (letter or percentage grade)
  • Credit hours (enter ‘1’ if you are not sure of the value)
  • Type of the course (Honours, Regular etc.)


As far as the grades are concerned then you must understand the following criteria: 

  • Grades are set according to the standard scale for regular classes.
  • grades are increased by half a point on a standard scale for honours classes.
  • Grades are increased by one point on the standard scale for advancement placement and colleges.


The GPA will be adjusted and updated automatically once you are done entering the weight of the class.

Step: 05
Adding up Another Semester for GPA Calculation

To add more courses or semesters just tap on each option.

  • Tap on ‘Add Course’ for another course addition to the semester.
  • Tap on ‘Add Semester’ to measure the GPA of another semester.


Whether you need to know how to calculate GPA or how to calculate CGPA in UK; all the same steps have to be followed. So, get these premium quality GPA calculators from ABC as they help students to efficiently calculate both; GPA as well as CGPA.

Frequently Ask Question

Get Answer to the most frequently asked questions  form student and make your decision to get

How can I calculate my GPA?

Calculation of the grade point average is carried out through the use of a total number of credit hours and a total number of points earned. The basic formula for calculating a GPA is dividing the total number of points earned in a program or a single semester by the total number of credit hours taken. The value in numbers obtained from this would be your GPA.

Is a 2.7 GPA good or bad?

A 2.7 GPA is an average grade. A grade of B- is assigned for a 2.7 GPA with almost 80% of the marks. It simply means that you have not obtained the highest grade; neither have you attained a low grade. It isn’t a good GPA but acceptable on an average scale. A good GPA would be from 3.0 to 4.0, depending on the standard scale used in grading. However; 2.7 isn’t bad for a GPA, either.

What GPA is required for Oxford?
Oxford University cream-skims students. They want you to attain a 3.5-4.0 GPA to be enrolled at Oxford University. Any value less than 3.5 is not entertained at all. On the other hand, a student is also expected to excel in the admission test criteria. Only those with a 3.5+ GPA will be allowed to sit for the admission test of Oxford University.
What GPA do you need to get into Harvard?
Harvard requires you to be at the top of the class with an average GPA of 4.18. Above 4.0 GPA should be based on the 5.0 scale standard or 6.0 scale standard of grade-point average. You will basically need almost all A’s along the way to have a chance of admission at Harvard University. AP or IB courses should be considered to get into Harvard as they are among the most difficult kinds.
How is GPA calculated in the UK?
The GPA is derived by combining the total number of credit hours completed in a program with the total number of points achieved in the program. In British institutes, the 4.0 grade standard is commonly used. The calculation is given as +70% of the 4.0 GPA (grade point average). However, the cumulative grade point average is also considered important in the British grading criterion.